The Ezra USA youth movement is a part of the Ezra World jewish organization, focusing its work on the russian speaking communities in North America, the FSU and Germany.
Goals of Ezra USA:
Development of jewish education
Fighting assimilation
Strengthening jewish self-identification
Leadership development in the russian jewish community
Support for the State of Israel
Ezra USA is currently the most dynamic and progressive youth movement in the russian speaking jewish world.
It is important to note that the development of Ezra is a direct result of the continuing effort of russian speaking jewish leaders, who understand the specific needs of this community and realize the critical need for the development of leadership in the russian speaking Jewish communities of the diaspora - it is towards this goal that most of the efforts are directed.
The russian speaking community in the US must go through all the steps of getting on its feet and creating community institutions; finding its own methods for effective jewish education. However, it is critical to first raise a new generation of leaders in the community.
It will fall to those who are today 18 to 30 years old to create the jewish community. They will decide what kind of education their children will receive: whether their education will have a jewish component, if their children identify themselves as jews, whether they will support the State of Israel, whether they will make a contribution to the development of jewish culture and education and, finally, whether they will pass the baton to the next generation, meaning their children.
More than 5,000 russian speaking participants have visited Israel as part of Ezra USA's educational trips.
Thousands of young russian speaking jews participate in the projects and programs of the Ezra movement, and the number of programs, like the number of participants, continues to grow.
The 21st century has dimmed or erased many ideals. New ideals have augmented and, more often, supplanted old principles, traditions and ideas.
The creation of the jewish state and the resurgence of jewish self-identification in the 20th century occurred in large part due to the birth of an idea and jewish leaders who were willing to fight for that idea, doing everything to turn it into reality.
Today, the russian speaking jewish community in the US, numerically, is the largest in the world.
After retaining their Judaism through WWII and communism, russian speaking jews in America are now on the brink of extinction, not physically, but spiritually.
Unfortunately, our people have been almost entirely unable to preserve their jewish traditions, culture and national values.
At the current time, it is critical to put every possible effort towards keeping the next generation an integral part of the jewish nation.
It is this goal, which is the driving force of the leaders of Ezra USA - leaders who believe in this idea and are ready to fight to achieve it. This is what makes the Ezra youth movement so unique.
Today Ezra USA, as a result of its successful work, has achieved recognition and support from many of the largest jewish funds and organizations. We have already accomplished much, however we are certain that much more work remains ahead!
EZRA Russia
EZRA Ukraine
EZRA Germany
EZRA Belarus